Calm Before the Storm

The garlic is looking great in the fields! The weather has been up and down like usual around here. Cool then warm, massive wind and thunderstorms and the garlic is growing like gang busters thankfully. We were concerned with how the elephant garlic looked after winter, but it peaked up through spring and is growing strong.

On our farm we are experimenting with using row plastic to keep the weeds at bay. It’s doing fairly well except there are still some growing around the plant bases. Every couple of evenings we walk the field, pick a row and pull any large weeds coming through to make sure the garlic doesn’t have a lot of competition. Gives us some exercise too! Maybe by the end of summer I’ll have some amazing legs with all the squats I’m doing!

Right now is the calm before the storm. Soon the garlic scapes will start shooting up and we will begin harvesting, packaging, and shipping out. We are going to try something new this year also and offer dehydrated garlic scape packages toward the end of July! I’m very excited about this so we can create a shelf stable product with any scapes we do not sell.

I hope all of you have been able to get your gardens started and are looking forward to harvesting fresh fruits and vegetables as much as I am. Until next time, happy growing!


Preparing for Spring